Life of the Party should be back in production soon, we will restock as soon as we can. Unfortunately, cocoa bean prices increased 125%. We will continue to try to have the best prices with low markups.
If you’re shopping for candy molds that look like animals, you’re in the right place! Sweet Treat Supply is proud to stock the best variety of animal candy molds, from simple options like dog candy molds to more unusual choices like dinosaur candy molds. These molds are great for making your own candy to serve at a child’s birthday party or just for an every day treat.
Find Your Favorite Animal
We offer candy molds shaped like almost any animal you can think of, from bunnies and cats to unicorns and horses, so you can find the perfect candy mold for your needs. Look through this section, and you’ll find some fantastic options, including seashell candy molds. You’ll want to stock up on all your favorite molds, such as donkeys, sharks and seashells so you can have the perfect chocolate mold for any occasion. Shop today and save with free shipping on orders of $100 or more!